A partial view of the Department of English, JUST
Tree Plantation made mandatory for Bachelor's Degree in English at JUST
JUST, 08 October, 2023
Considering the increasing global warming leading to the adverse weather patterns in Bangladesh in recent years, the Department of English at Jashore University of Science and Technology has made it mandatory for each student of the Undergraduate Programme to plant at least five trees to preserve the natural balance and address other environmental issues. In this regard, the Academic Committee of the Department of English sent through the Faculty of Arts and Social Science a proposal to the University’s 53rd Academic Council (AC) meeting held on 5 September 2023. The AC approved the proposal with great appreciation. The Regent Board echoed a similar sentiment when it accepted the proposal in its 94th meeting on 9 September 2023.
So, from now on, every student of the Undergraduate Programme of the Department of English has to plant at least five trees under the Bangladesh Studies course in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the Degree of Bachelor of Arts (BA) in English from the University. Though no credits or marks are allocated for this, a clearance letter from the Department will be required for the students to get their certificates. In keeping with this decision, the students of the relevant batch of the Department will plant at least 200 trees every year on the campus, along the roadsides, in public and private institutions, or in any other suitable places under the supervision of the course teacher.
Ekushe Padak recipient scientist and the Vice Chancellor of the University Professor Dr. Md. Anwar Hossain said that a university does not only open the doors of knowledge to the students, it builds them up to be good citizens for the nation and society as well. He also said that this initiative launched by the Department of English would contribute to the welfare of society and the environment, and inspire the students to carry out their social responsibilities in the future when they would lead the nation. He requested the Department to broaden the initiative in the future to other social services like literary movement, clean environment, raising awareness about social and health issues. He hoped that other educational institutions in the country will follow this example set by JUST to ensure an inhabitable and safe world.
The Dean of the Faculty of Arts and Social Science and the Chairman of the Department of English, Dr. Md. Munibur Rahman said, "We, the children of Mother Earth, have plundered her in many ways posing threats to the ecosystem, and have made the earth almost uninhabitable. To sustain human civilization in the future, initiatives must be taken right away to heal the earth. All of our achievements and wealth will be of no use if the world becomes uninhabitable”.
However, this initiative of the Department of English alone will not bring any significant change for the entire country, let alone the planet, unless others come forward with this motto of saving Mother Earth. It is hoped that all other departments of the University along with other Bangladeshi educational institutions would eventually join the endeavour to heal Mother Earth, and make her beautiful and habitable again. The chair of the department also said that the department's welfare fund run by the donations of the teachers and students would defray the expenses if any student cannot afford to buy five saplings.